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Privacy Policy




ZUKK respects the privacy of its users and is committed to protecting their personal information. This privacy policy explains how ZUKK collects, uses, and shares personal information.


Personal information collected


ZUKK collects personal information from users in a few different ways:

  • When users create an account on ZUKK, they provide their name, email address, and contact information.

  • When users make a purchase on ZUKK, they provide their payment information.

  • When users contact ZUKK customer service, they may provide additional personal information, such as their shipping address or phone number.


How personal information is used?


ZUKK uses the personal information it collects to:

  • Process orders and deliver products to users.

  • Provide customer service to users.

  • Send marketing emails to users about new products and promotions.

  • Improve the ZUKK website and services.

  • How personal information is shared


ZUKK shares the personal information it collects with third-party service providers who help ZUKK operate its business. These third-party service providers may include:

  • Shipping companies

  • Payment processors

  • Marketing agencies

ZUKK also shares the personal information it collects with government agencies when required to do so by law.


How long personal information is retained?


ZUKK retains the personal information it collects for as long as necessary to provide its services to users and comply with applicable laws.

User rights

Users have the right to access, correct, and delete their personal information. To exercise these rights, users can contact ZUKK customer service.


Security measures


ZUKK takes measures to protect the personal information it collects, such as:

  • Using secure servers to store personal information.

  • Using encryption to protect personal information during transmission.

  • Requiring third-party service providers to protect the personal information they collect on ZUKK's behalf.


Contact information


If users have any questions or concerns about ZUKK's privacy policy, they can contact ZUKK customer service.

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